Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wichita Kansas Geppelts

Hello from the Wichita Kansas branch of the Geppelt family. There are four of us here in Wichita, myself Aaron, my wife Cinnamon, and my two boys Dallin (9 years old) and Devon (4 years old). We moved to Wichita 3 years ago after I accepted a job as an engineer with a local aircraft manufacturer. Since moving to Wichita we have come to really enjoy living here. We have made some very close friends and really enjoy spending time with them.

Recently I accepted a new position working on the A350 wing structure in Filton, UK. So our family will be temporaily relocating there for the next 9 to 12 months. We are very excited about going to England, especially Cinnamon, since we will be living in the same city were she served her mission! Cinnamon has always wanted to go back and visit her mission so we feel that we have been very blessed with this oppurtunity. If anyone is interested in coming and visiting us feel free, I know the plane tickets are a killer but once you get there you'll have a place to stay! ; )


This is the first time I've ever done a blog.  I guess this makes me a novice, but I hope this blog is a catalyst for something great.  I would have to give credit to Josh Geppelt.  He is "guilty" for starting this all.  While searching on the internet, Josh came across my sister's Facebook site.  His inquiry to see if we're related, started a list of questions about our family.  As we tried to answer his questions, it became apparent that we need some sort of website to comment on our family and trade info.  I don't know if this is the best way, but its a start.  We invite all to add your comments, and we'll do our part in keeping up with the postings.